Interior design

Did you know that ceramic tile is perfect for covering tables, reception counters and decorative doors and walls? Ceramic tile is perfect for covering tables, reception counters and decorative doors and walls and provides custom solutions for all kinds of surfaces.

Ceramics is the ideal complement to cover any surface.  In addition to its traditional use on walls and floors, there are also doors, tables, shelves and cabinets lined with ceramic ´skin´. Due to its resistance, ease of maintenance and durability, it is the perfect material for designing unique and contemporary style furniture.

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Ceramic trends

Interior design has undergone a change of spirit leaving behind a stage of minimalism surpassed by the emergence of more decorative styles. This desire to renew the habitat and recover the colours are reflected in the four ceramic trends identified by the Institute of Ceramic Technology (OTH) in its Trends

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Ceramic tiles manufacturers’ directory and images of ceramic novelties

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