Raised floors

Did you know that ceramic tile is ideal for raised floors? Raised ceramic tile floors are practical and safe for offices, shops and historic buildings, both indoors and outdoors.

Raised technical flooring is a system that came about to respond to the need to hide the large number of facilities that appear in work areas, technical rooms and other places where there is a high density of wiring, tubes and all kinds of pipes. At the same time, these facilities need to be flexible and adaptable so that they can adapt to the different demands of the space throughout the building´s useful life.

It is also a solution that is becoming increasingly used in exterior draining pavements, since water is filtered through open joints.

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Other uses

Ceramic tiles are also highly recommended for use in other spaces around the home such as swimming pools, inner patios and staircases. Indeed, this material stands out for its extensive choice of formats and finishes, which range from highly polished tiles, to grooved and rough styles, to large volume three-dimensional tiles used as wall coverings.

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